vineri, octombrie 11

Videos DIY

The Enchanting Costa Amalfitana: Italy’s Hidden Gem. Video Wow!

The Enchanting Costa Amalfitana: Italy’s Hidden Gem. Video Wow!

Featured, Videos DIY
Nestled along the picturesque coastline of southern Italy lies a hidden gem waiting to be discovered – the breathtaking Costa Amalfitana. With its rugged cliffs, colorful villages, and crystal-clear waters, this enchanting destination is a haven for travelers seeking beauty, history, and gastronomy. Join us as we embark on a journey to uncover the wonders of this coastal paradise. The Jewel of the Mediterranean Stretching from the Gulf of Naples to the Gulf of Salerno, the Costa Amalfitana, also known as the Amalfi Coast, captivates visitors with its dramatic landscapes and charming towns. Each twist and turn of the coastal road reveals stunning panoramas of sheer cliffs plunging into the azure sea below, dotted with pastel-hued villages clinging to the cliffsides like jewels. Pi...

Video Wow!

Featured, Videos DIY
Videoclipul alaturat, realizat in interiorul Cercului Arctic, direct intre granitele Canadei, Alaskai si Rusiei. A durat cateva secunde pentru a fotografia privelistea cu adevarat uimitoare din toate punctele de vedere. Acest fenomen, se intampla o data pe an si dispare dupa 35 de secunde. Luna apare in toata splendoarea ei intr-o asemenea masura incat pare ca va lovi pamantul. Apoi, are loc o eclipsa totala de soare de numai 5 secunde, timp in care se instaleaza intunericul si brusc lumina revine. Acest fenomen are loc doar in punctul periheliu (punctul in care luna este cel mai aproape de pamant) si abia atunci poti vedea viteza mare cu care se misca. Un fenomen si o imagine uimitoare si rara!